The Long Term Game Of Tutoring

Tutoring is not a miracle solution. Tutoring requires time and effort for it to work. In this article, we explain why Tutoring requires time and effort and explain what you can look forward to during you're tutoring journey.


Don L'Amour Chimhanda

2/17/20243 min read

The journey to better grades and understanding is neither linear nor quick. It's akin to the miracle of the Chinese bamboo plant – no visible growth for the first five years, then suddenly, sprouts shoot up dramatically. So, fret not if there's no dramatic change in a month or a term. Trust the process, and the results will blossom in due time! 🌱💡

Kind regards,

Don L'Amour Chimhanda

Chimhanda Tutoring

The Long Term Game Of Tutoring

Embarking on the quest for a tutor is like searching for our academic knight in shining armour, armed with wits to slay the confusion dragon within minutes. We often anticipate that "ahh" moment, expecting instant results, only to be disappointed. Alas, reality tends to deflate our fantasy bubbles.

Patience Is Key

Tutoring is no magical shortcut; it's a long-term investment requiring time, patience, and dedication. Forget about the instant leap from 40's or 50's to the academic paradise of 70's and 80's – that's wishful thinking. Sometimes, staying at the same grade is a triumph in itself. Imagine, as the year progresses, and the content complexity skyrockets, if there's no improvement, the grades should have plummeted! The key to rising is to stop sinking. In the initial stages of the tutoring journey, expect similar grades. View it as progress! Celebrate the fact that without the tutoring program, things might have taken a nosedive 😬.

Improvement Is Challenging 

Around six months or two terms in, anticipate a 10%-15% increase. Why? Well, think about it – is it easier to go from R10,000 to R100,000 or from R1 million to R10 million? Going from 50's to 60's demands considerable effort and a fundamental shift in study habits. Patience is the name of the game. Achieving a 65% grade during the second term is downright phenomenal.

When Results Arrive

Come the third term, the magic unfolds, and grades in the 70's begin to shine. The investment finally pays off, and the improvement we sought when we sought a tutor becomes tangible. Now, why bother discussing this process? Two main objectives: 1) Instigate a paradigm shift – think long term, not short term. 2) Highlight that seeking a tutor in August for exams in October is a terrible idea unless it's for last-minute exam prep.


Illustration showing how improvent take time
Illustration showing how improvent take time
Illustration showing the passing of time
Illustration showing the passing of time
An imgae showing the improvement of a group
An imgae showing the improvement of a group
An image of a Cambridge Maths student who has improved his understanding
An image of a Cambridge Maths student who has improved his understanding

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